a scandinavian cure for the cold butt - skhoop
A few years ago I noticed women wearing winter skirts in Anchorage. Not just for walking around in the cold but for cross country skiing, downhill skiing, hiking, running as well as just walking around town and shopping. I asked around at a few stores and found out that they were only available on line from skhoop website. Since I am not in Anchorage that much I forgot about them, until my next visit I saw even more women wearing them. Being a person that runs cold I was curious if they actually made much of a difference. So I asked around and the consensus was definitely, I was told that in the extreme cold they helped manage the cold by keeping you an estimated 20 degrees warmer.
On my most recent visit to Anchorage it was unusually cold. Most fortunately I was gifted (actually an early birthday present that I opened because I have to patience) a full length down skirt. What a huge difference it made in the temps below 20 degrees. Since I live in the lower 48 where the temps aren't that freezing I traded it in for a mid length down skirt for skiing, running, biking and visiting Alaska.

Check out:
skinny Raven - Anchorage AK